Drupal file download failed to load external entity

Oct 6, 2010 I want to create Moodle courses from Drupal so I use MoodleWS module. WSPP is located in: http:///moodle/wspp/. I can download WSDL file by going to PHP Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from failed to load external entity "http://   May 4, 2015 XML External Entity (XXE) injection attacks are a simple way to extract At this point the XXE attack results in a connection to xxe.netspi.com to load the external DTD file. This same technique was recently covered in this Drupal XXE http://www.vsecurity.com/download/papers/XMLDTDEntityAttacks.pdf 

The result is that a user without permissions can zip and download files even if from non-form sources in Drupal 8.5.x before 8.5.11 and Drupal 8.6.x before 8.6.10. There is XSS via a crafted filename to the file-upload feature of the event CVE-2018-11586, XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in api/rest/status in 

Jun 18, 2012 I CAN download the wsdl file, but any further request gets this error: to load external entity "" in  simplexml_load_file() interprets an XML file (either a file on your disk or a URL) into an object. What you have in $feed is a string. You have two  mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_TwuPwr --database=dbname --host=localhost [ok] Checking available update data for Drupal. I/O warning : failed to load external entity "" Project.php:72 [warning] Failed to get [notice] /home/vagrant/.drush/cache/download/https---updates.drupal.org-release- 

The result is that a user without permissions can zip and download files even if from non-form sources in Drupal 8.5.x before 8.5.11 and Drupal 8.6.x before 8.6.10. There is XSS via a crafted filename to the file-upload feature of the event CVE-2018-11586, XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in api/rest/status in 

How to Create a Product Display Entity Reference and Block View of Related Products This will guide you through creating a Related Products block for Drupal Commerce. I found this thread while looking for a solution myself. Themed data - e.g., of page requests - are accessible only in their fully rendered output. The structured data are prepared for rendering, but we don't have a way to specify e.g. that a particular page request should be rendered in a… Problem/Motivation Suppose you have some content entity type (foo) with an entity reference to nodes, and you have contrib or custom code that needs to update something about the referenced nodes whenever the host entity is updated. Problem/Motivation I was profiling the decoupled router module and the biggest overhead in there was calculating the list of resources. The same overhead will be triggered on the next request to fetch the node by ID that the router will… Spin-off from [#2164601] Problem The notion of "computed property" is pretty clear - typically, $field->field_ref->entity. This is defined at the level of a property definition, for example in FieldItemInterface::propertyDefinitions…

Jun 21, 2017 It looks at how to handle embedding of assets from within Drupal's The Entity Embed module allows any Drupal entity to be embedded After downloading and installing the Entity Embed module and its Button icon: You can optionally upload a custom icon to be shown on URL Embed library error.

Oct 14, 2014 G2Shop - Load more function on 10 March, 2015 # Fixed bug: Warning: DOMDocument::load(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity The Drupal Console is a suite of tools that you run on a command line interface (CLI) to generate boilerplate code and interact with a Drupal 8 installation. For earlier versions of Drupal, see drush-related coder module tools. It's 80% copied from \Drupal\file\FileAccessControlHandler::checkAccess(), 10% copied from file_file_download(). Sadly we can't reuse any of the existing code without enormous refactoring, so this feels simpler then. Add credit for this issue to the following contributors just prior to commit: https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/contributors.txt (Not yet since we are trying to keep this issue on one page. Objective hook_library_info() is one of the last remaining info hooks in D8. All manual asset file inclusions via former drupal_add_js() and drupal_add_css() have been removed in D8 in favor of library definitions that properly declare… Problem/Motivation Per [#1314214] there is currently no uniqueness constraint on the uri field in the file_managed table enforced in the db schema in D8, because of limitations on lengths of keys under utf8mb4 with lowest-common-denominator… Problem/Motivation We need a method to upgrade/migrate from D7 field collections to D8 paragraphs. Proposed resolution Remaining tasks field collection type => paragraphs type migration, look at d7_node_type as a pattern a field collections…

Feb 25, 2019 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # CVE-2019-6340 Drupal <= 8.6.9 REST services RCE S 17:20 0:00 \_ sh -c echo import sys from urllib.parse import 

Oct 14, 2014 G2Shop - Load more function on 10 March, 2015 # Fixed bug: Warning: DOMDocument::load(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity The Drupal Console is a suite of tools that you run on a command line interface (CLI) to generate boilerplate code and interact with a Drupal 8 installation. For earlier versions of Drupal, see drush-related coder module tools. It's 80% copied from \Drupal\file\FileAccessControlHandler::checkAccess(), 10% copied from file_file_download(). Sadly we can't reuse any of the existing code without enormous refactoring, so this feels simpler then. Add credit for this issue to the following contributors just prior to commit: https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/contributors.txt (Not yet since we are trying to keep this issue on one page. Objective hook_library_info() is one of the last remaining info hooks in D8. All manual asset file inclusions via former drupal_add_js() and drupal_add_css() have been removed in D8 in favor of library definitions that properly declare… Problem/Motivation Per [#1314214] there is currently no uniqueness constraint on the uri field in the file_managed table enforced in the db schema in D8, because of limitations on lengths of keys under utf8mb4 with lowest-common-denominator…